Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Performance Evaluation, doing it RIGHT this year?

The dreaded annual performance assessment drill; many have just dealt with it.

Whether you are reading this as a boss or as the employee, how about doing it right in 2011? So this time next year that process can be fair, agreeable, easy, comfortable and predictable result?

This is a huge morale issue for many companies - impacting productivity, culture, turnover, job satisfaction, etc.

Sharing here a process I have developed with leaders over the years:

THE BEGINNING: Leader/follower spend time in January (assuming a calendar year situation), clarifying, discussing, and negotiating expectations. What we want to happen this year regarding his/her performance is the goal. This agreement may go back and forth a few times, but get it done by end of January. We use the companys performance appraisal form or one that you create. You might want to consider factors the company does not use, such as relations with others, teamwork, communicating, respect, attitude, etc. These are all areas we judge people on, so why not make it part of the actual process?

THE NEXT STEP: In February, the manager provides the employee a copy of the form filled out in January. Ask him/her to fill it out according to how he/she sees themselves performing. After receiving their input, you the manager now schedule the meeting. Do not cancel it, it is important. Both address everything specifically, especially the disconnects between what they see and what you see.

KEY TECHNIQUE: We talk to the expectations as if right now was annual performance assessment time. Wording such as - if it was next December, here is how I would rate you - however it is not, so this just means we need to be working to improve in these areas. Addressing it as if it was the final annual result takes the pressure off of both parties here. The good news? There are ten more months to correct or improve the issue! You are after changing peoples thinking - that feedback is a bad thing!

THE ROUTINE PROCESS: We do this in the same way each month. The first couple of months will likely be a bit lengthy and uncomfortable. This will change and become a good thing! The manager still needs to be doing informal, on the spot, daily, routine coaching as necessary. Some managers do this fairly well, but that does not replace the formal monthly face to face discussions.

END OF THE YEAR, THE ANNUAL EVALUATION: By the end of the year, guess what? The manager can provide a fair, accountable, accurate and caring evaluation of the employee (and every employee on the team). It will be easy because it is much the same as the one done in November, right? Because you cared, you spent the time
to do this the right way. Besides that, it’s your job! Now surely you are not going to tell me you do not have TIME for your people, are you?

I mentioned up front that this message is for the boss AND the employee. Obviously this is all what a leader SHOULD do. However if your boss does not do this, YOU make it happen, tactfully! If you do not, sure you can blame and be mad at the boss next December, but you still lose. What if you could avoid being a victim of flawed leadership, like you were about a month ago!?!

Hope that helps your 2011!

Gods best my friend, (taken from my upcoming book, The Conference for Leaders)

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