Saturday, January 29, 2011

* First off, how about making it a good Friday for someone else? Just a
thought :-)

* Secondly, enjoy the bright sunshine if you are in the local area, where
it is to be 50 degrees and sunny today! Be Thankful for that and the rest of
your life - be determined to be thankful. Look around, there is much to be
thankful about, right?

* Thirdly - As I complete my upcoming book, I am attempting a marketing
idea: If you have a connection or way of getting me onto the bookshelf of
any bookstore, I will give you a finders fee and a percentage of each book
sold. This is really just a way of networking with YOU!

And lastly but for sure not the least important. Do not let Tuesday get here
and tell me you forgot my birthday. You now know and pleasssssse no big
gifts! I would like a thought and a smile before you click DELETE

"People don't care how much you know

until they first know how much you care."

Doug Booker


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