Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Be something bigger than an ant

I just don't want to be like an ant!

I guess it is why routine bores me; I get to thinking of myself like an ant. You know how you can look down & see ants scurrying around - that just seems what we humans resemble at times?

We need purpose vs just existing through our hourly/daily grind of life. Seems that is what brings us real PEACE - when we have that direction/purpose clarified. Well anyway just thinking & wanted to encourage all of us:
Do NOT just be existing.
Be happy & joyful in your Walk.
Make others Smile.
Help someone - focus on OTHERS which is where we all find peace & real purpose, at least I do.... in & thru serving.

The down times are when we focus too much on us, ourselves, OUR problems. That is when we struggle; think about it (or not).

Regardless go cause cheer & good stuff today; if you are a LEADER, go fix something!

Lastly, paraphrasing something I read here: Spread the Gospel always, ...and when necessary use words.

Gods best for some REAL purpose today my friend! BOOKER

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