Monday, December 13, 2010

WAY TOO BLESSED, have a day of smiles this day!

Way too blessed is what has been on my mind lately; when I think of it, I have much about which to smile. I have my struggles, as we all do. My wife’s health is not good, and we’ll sure take your prayers in that regard. The economy still affects business and making a living no doubt. At the same time, I have good family, a roof overhead, plenty to eat daily, good friends, work and people to teach; and we are keeping pretty warm even. Thank you Lord and please be with all those without what I do have – those in need.

As I ponder this, I thought of my world in dealing with business, leaders, management and leadership. As I sought to make a connection, it struck me that leaders should be conscious of this way too blessed thing as well.

They are blessed not only with whatever blessings in their personal life, but also of the opportunity and privilege to lead people. They have been given the reigns to make decisions for and about those they lead. Leaders should realize that being able to serve those they have been entrusted with is indeed a noble calling. Those who are led well and effectively surely know they are blessed.

If you are a leader, you have been given the opportunity to care for people. They are depending on your leadership to make their world at work, a whole bunch of their lives as good as possible. They are there for you to support, respect, build, grow and develop; and oh yeah you need them.

In finishing up the book I am writing, I was into some critical thinking regarding the relationship between leader and follower(s). Just think how much is dependent on you, the leader to make that world enjoyable, productive and for you to create an environment; one where people can bless you through their work and efforts?

Leaders should be thankful they are way too blessed and remain very aware that that they too are way too blessed. Leaders need to be careful not to take those people for granted; your blessed world counts on them! When the leaders make their world as good as possible, many more blessings will come their way. If those relationships and those people who maybe aren’t so blessed are ignored, well you may soon learn how blessed you used to be. Realize this maybe even selfishly, that by taking care of them, you are taking care of YOU.

Yes I am personally blessed again this Christmas, our last of this decade. Likely I am more blessed than I deserve. It is my wish and hope I can bless some people around me or that I encounter during this holiday season. I hope you will look for some to bless as well. If you lead folks, probably right there on that team you lead is a good place to begin that search.

Bless you and I hope you and yours find those tidings of great joy!

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