Wednesday, March 21, 2012

support bicycling & walking...

Thursday, March 22nd (tomorrow!) members of the Missouri delegation to the National Bike Summit will be visiting the office of each of member of Congress from Missouri.

Would you take a few minutes to contact each of your own members of Congress today and ask each one to support bicycling and walking?

The House of Representatives is vitally important right now, because the House version of the federal transportation completely eliminates funding for bicycling and walking--funding that has helped Missouri turn the corner over the past 20 years in becoming friendly and safer for biking and walking.

It's easy--just four steps:

1. Look up your members of congress below (2 Senators and 1 Representative)

2. Email or (better) call their office with this message:

Please support dedicated funding bicycling and walking in the federal transportation bill. It very inexpensive, very cost-effective, and is very important to me (give an example or two explaining why). I support the message of the Missouri delegation to the National Bike Summit who will be visiting your office tomorrow.

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