Saturday, April 9, 2011

As good as it gets right now, so enjoy it

Doing some thinking on planning, learning, visioning, trust, taking, risk, predestination, etc. Do you realize that right now, in the present, in this very moment, it is as good as it gets?

It does not get any better than that/this! It might later, but for right now, no, this is what it is.

We all struggle with this at least now & then, but LIVING in the present is critical. To do this likely requires that we accept and trust that HE created it, this moment.

Along with all the human factors you did to impact this moment right now, well IT IS JUST AS IT WAS PLANNED. SMILE, enjoy, do not fret; go improve something, relax, relate, learn, and well grasp the moment you are in!

Whether you believe in God or not, this is all still true, right? Whether you created it, or HE did (which HE did :), enjoy your moments, your life, right now, today, ...and those around us.

Gods best to you, now and in your future moments!

Just thinking and sharing. Have a great Saturday morning and weekend my friend, DOUG...

*There is some leadership learning there as well. Leaders need to teach, preach and walk this thinking huh?

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