Saturday, January 21, 2012

It is about the AUTHOR, not the BOOK...?



Speaking with a great friend, client & senior leader, a very interesting discussion developed further validating the statement above ...which I have come to believe is true maybe 99% of the time.

The discussion was about input he had received about his leadership after seeking evaluation/input by those he leads. Now that's courageous to begin with, and for sure he received some interesting feedback (some that he didn't expect and some that will take further discussions to get clarified).

One of the areas where he received less than satisfactory marks, was in COMMUNICATION. If you met this individual, you would find it hard to believe that he could be 'marked down' in communicating. He is an awesome speaker, coach, mentor, listener and people seek out his counsel.

The fact that he is a great friend provides some clue to his being 'marked down' by his subordinate leaders in this category. You see, I would never see him as being an ineffective communicator ...because I have a great RELATIONSHIP with him.

After some honest reflection and thinking about the relationships of those assessing him, he saw that this was likely what this was about: - what they were really saying was the RELATIONSHIP(s) was less than satisfactory.

Think about those you have communication issues with; it's really a relationship issue, is it not?

Some GODLY application to this: It strikes me that all this is the same challenge we face when we struggle in our communication with God. As I really think about this, I think back to when I didn't know Jesus, ...the bible and most everything in it made little sense to me. The bible and His Word only began making sense and becoming clear to me AFTER HE became my friend. The closer and closer I get to Him, and as my relationship, trust and faith in/with Him becomes stronger, the more I understand about what He is saying to me.

The dynamics of these thoughts came out in Sunday School last week. After I tossed in some of this and made the statement that its not so much a matter of the content of The Book, it is first of all about the relationship with our God and Jesus. If the relationship is good, the communication will be good. A friend then tossed in this gem, something like, "'s about the Author, not the Book".

How's that relationship with Him?

God's best to you and yours my friend,


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