Monday, July 18, 2011

I was asked for advice (speaking, leadership work, etc)

I was asked by a friend seeking advice for his daughter, who wanted to get into Motivational Speaking-type work. After rambling a bit in response, I thought I would share some bullets here with you. Just my thinking mind you:

Success & Life is all about PEOPLE-WISDOM first and foremost – it is about THEM and not YOU! That kind of education needs to be at the top of your list. It is not about how smart you are, how impressive your record, your expertise - but rather your understanding of people that will cause you to succeed in life. Do you engage people in person or spend your life emailing/texting, TV, Facebooking, etc? Go learn & relate to/with people. Become conscious of others in school, the grocery store, church, neighbors, those at the other tables in the cafeteria, go visit companies/businesses, HR people, knuckleheads everywhere, etc. And oh yeah, realize that on some level you are also a knucklehead.

Are you a People-person? I love to ask this question, especially to managers in the workplace. Many of us will say we are (a people-person). If one too quickly wants to impose their opinion that they surely are – I always challenge them with, (how do you know…do you really get to decide?)

>>>People get to decide this about us, not ourselves. Do people seek you out for wisdom - all kinds of people, & not just friends. Anyone can be successful with those they like?!?

LISTEN to others. LISTEN to others. LISTEN to others. Grow in how others think, behave, and study WHY.

Learn to function, relate and succeed with all kinds of personality types. A good gauge of this and how well you do this is to think of others around –teachers, bosses, those not in our cliques, social circles, etc. Can you relate and communicate effectively with them? Anyone can do well with those that fit in well with our own thinking. The challenge is to succeed with those who don’t. Of course you do well with MOST, it is the others/the minority; that category of teachers, bosses/people around us who drive us nuts initially. I always tell students in my grad/undergrad programs to focus in on those teachers (and there will be some) who you do not like for whatever reason. Pretend they (and their personality-type) are your next boss, co-worker, etc. Once we leave school, and enter the work/adult world, we don’t necessarily just get to hang out with our chosen-cliques anymore. Employers don’t check to see if you get along with those you will be asked to work around/with…

Develop an understanding of the Power of Relationships. Very simply stated - consider and practice: Have a cup of coffee (or whatever) with someone before you need and/or want them for something.

Engage people in all areas of your life - all directions, all diversities, up/down, etc. Learn and grow thru them (ALL) and their thinking. Read books on people who have succeeded and try to understand why they did…and copy/use their techniques and habits.

What are your messages, …your philosophy of life, …your principles, …what are you about, …why would others listen, …what do you have to share that is unique? Evaluate and understand your whole person - what is lacking, where do you need to grow yet (other than in age, experience and wisdom)? There are tons of great people around; again, why should someone choose you? Marketing and Networking need to become your friends and areas where you focus and emphasize and learn!

Understand, ponder, practice and become what this quote is all about:
People don't care how much you know until first they know how much you care.

Put your faith, hope and trust in God (faith) first of all vs YOU (and other humans!). Attempting to do this on your own (or anything you pursue in life) requires God(faith) to be right by your side. Seek His advice and counsel always in your daily walk.


Never Stop Learning. This may just sound like a worn-out phrase, but it is huge to the success of anyone/anywhere. When we stop learning, we are done (in more ways than one). Leaders and Teachers, and for sure even consultants and speakers are challenged by this – seemingly getting there and thus not learning anymore.

Just some thoughts I should have understood as a High School student, BOOKER

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