Monday, April 9, 2012

It is beginning to look a lot like

I was just remembering back just after Christmas, and how awesome it would be if we could keep the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT all year long. The same could be said for the spirit of folks at Easter time.

There is so much GOODness, PEACEfulness, LOVing, GIVEing, KINDness, SMILES, FOCUS on the RIGHT people's hearts at these times.

For all of us, our challenge is to keep a heart of CHRISTMAS & EASTER all the time maybe? Even on Mondays huh?

Sooooooo go HELP someone, GIVE someone something, FORGIVE them, ACCEPT 'em the way they are, ...that would be a great start! Especially for a Monday huh?

It does not mean that plenty of people, us and others are not hurting in various ways for sure. Whether it is our own hurts/pains or those of others, the right kind of spirit and mindset can be of help.

I am re-sharing something I read the other day down below...

My God's best to you and yours as we head toward Christmas-time!

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