Monday, April 23, 2012

Is it about YOU or THEM?

When life is at its VERY BEST, I am focused on others - outside of ME! Several things have brought this to light lately, some things that made me go hmmmmm:

So many things come to mind, to include a dynamic that really amazes me about PEOPLE. Have you ever walked just next to someone, right by them, passing them and said HELLO and they just totally did not respond? Now stranger or not, when someone says HELLO, how could you not respond?
WhatsUpWithThatAnyway? BTW, if I ever do that to you, plz grab me and shake me, I am getting ready to walk into traffic unknowingly!

...The absolute worst times in my life have been when I was focused inwardly; my issues and concerns. My self worth seems best when I am/can be focused on OTHERS struggles...

...How abou the customer service rep, waiter/waitress sharing his/her excuses/woes vs taking care of the customer?

....Are we not soooooo much better at judging others than ourselves!?! Does this fit here?

...Heard a radio show about some of the latest thinking on kids receiving constant praising and how it can actually be a very damaging thing. Teaches that everything is about ME, I, ...THEM!

...All this must tie into this whole VICTIMIZATION society we now live within, huh?

...Reminds me of my days as a military commander and how it was a principle when we were eating a meal out in the field - the soldiers ate first.

....When the elevator opens do we rush in or wait for others to come out? When we are in a discussion or argument, do we listen first?

...If you are a leader having to make a decision, do you see what THEY think first?

I am guessing before long, we will see people walking around and without being asked anything, they will just be saying I AM FINE. ME ME ME...

I am still working on that whole ignoring someone when they have just said HELLO?!!? Maybe it is just me, but do you have to know someone to return a greeting or even initiate it?

People are amazing, you gotta love US,...oops, I mean THEM! Gods best this day my friend and HELLO!?????????????????????


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