Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My new book is available!

Hoping you will choose to take a look at this book, The Conference for Leaders. More later on book signings and more formal announcement but wanted to quickly get the word out to my friends. On Kindle (Amazon)

Also printed version and eBook available thru my website,

Thanks and please help me share the news and spread to people you may know who may have a connection to: Management, Women in Leadership, CEOs and Human Resources, Leadership Conferences and in-house training, Faith/God in the Workplace, Culture, Leadership Principles for Business, ROI and Leadership Development, etc... additionally Kansas City and my hometown of Lexington, MO are part of the story line!

God's best my friend, take care and have a great holiday weekend. Booker

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

In Overland Park thru about 5:15 or so. If we need to connect, talk or catch up, holler at 9132320244. Likely at Panera on Metcalf/College

Friday, June 24, 2011


Hope you have a great Friday/weekend - you and your team, and family! Sharing a tip for TEAM IMPROVEMENT, which could help YOUR world as well:

Thursday, June 23, 2011


JOB SEARCH: confidential search for an Instructional Designer, experience with ADDIE, Mechanical electrical systems, mfg environments. Contact me and I will connect you to Point of Contact/Recruiter.
JOB SEARCH: confidential search for an Instructional Designer, experience with ADDIE, Mechanical electrical systems, mfg environments.
Some great efforts for HOPE for Joplin: see link

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Morale, Motivation, Self and Culture

First day of summer in the 70's! I'll take it. Have a great day & help someone else have one as well. Sharing here:

Friday, June 17, 2011

In St Lous visiting sister/family, Royals/Cards game, biking on Katy Trail & meeting couple friends. You in St Charles area?..let me know?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

PRE-Sale of fireworks for YOUR 4th

Sending you this in support of CASA (a great organization for the benefit of foster children). A fundraiser for this non-profit org:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sandbagging help needed, Levasy MO

(passing this on): A call has gone out for volunteers to help with sandbagging the churches and homes in Levasy. The National Guard has a squad of soldiers on duty in Levasy at this moment, but more help is desperately needed! The Ebenezer United Church of Christ is in a dangerous spot. They need assistance in placing sandbags around the church.

Rev. Joyce Holly & Rev. Betty Thaller just called and asked for us to help in any way possible. The need is for people over the age of 18 years (or with guardian permission for those under 18 years of age) to assist with placing sandbags and moving some items out of the churches and homes.

The volunteers are needed Thursday morning, June 16th, at 9:00 am. They will be gathering at Ebenezer UCC.

If anyone can assist, their help will be deeply appreciated by the saints and citizens of Levasy.

Dale Felder, Higginsville Ministerial Fellowship

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Scooter's Coffeehouse College & Antioch
Looking for a part time Barista

Sunday, June 12, 2011

tickets maybe cardinals/royals

tickets for cardinals & royals on fri/jun 17 in st louis, if interested in going/joining me, let me know - for friends in the area...?
tickets for cardinals & royals on fri/jun 17 in st louis, if interested in going/joining me, let me know - for friends in the area...?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I came across this at a very tough time in life; it helped me a lot & really still like to go back to it now and then.

I also like to share it when it seems to fit someone's struggles.

There are a few I was wanting to share this with just now, just thought I would put it out there for YOU as well.

Gods best this day my friend, BOOKER (see below)

The Bend in the Road

Sometimes we come to life's crossroads
And we view what we think is the end...

But God has a much wider vision
And he knows that it's only a bend,

The road will go on and get smoother
And after we've stopped for a rest...

The path that lies hidden beyond us
Is often the path that is best.

So rest and relax and grow stronger,
Let go and let God share your load

And have faith in a brighter tomorrow,
YOU have just come to a bend in the road.

Author: Helen Steiner Rice
Thanx for concern w/ our AC being out -back on & cool again. Another hot one & then some 80s coming!?! Take care, now go smile at someone,

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bummer, the AC is on the fritz -nice timing ay? STILL so totally blessed, not complaining on that! Some GOD time this morning has me thinking …it is that attitude thing... it is about HOW we play the game… it is HOW we act, WHAT we say, WHO we are serving, helping others…

Our focus need be on HOW & WHO we are vs. WHERE we are going. He will take care of that, HE knows what He is doing, do you(we)? It is about journey vs. destination for sure …perspective maybe? …it does not get any better than this!?!

As I said, I was just thinking …STAY COOL!

Just had an interesting thought about humans vs ants, it can wait,…you can hardly wait huh?

A smile really is just a frown turned upside down, is it not?

AC not working, FURNACE is fine

Bummer, the AC is on the fritz -nice timing ay? STILL so totally blessed, not complaining on that!

Some GOD time this morning has me thinking …it is that attitude thing... it is about HOW we play the game… it is HOW we act, WHAT we say, WHO we are serving, helping others…

Our focus need be on HOW & WHO we are vs. WHERE we are going. He will take care of that, HE knows what He is doing, do you(we)? It is about journey vs. destination for sure …perspective maybe? …it does not get any better than this!?!

As I said, I was just thinking …STAY COOL!

Just had an interesting thought about humans vs ants, it can wait,…you can hardly wait huh?

A smile really is just a frown turned upside down, is it not?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

So blessed

By watergarden this am reading/ thinking, so awesome out, so blessed! Church, ribs on grill, Syd, bike ride, bit of yardwork, a Royals Win? Thats my plan-Good Lord willing:
By pond reading/blessed: church, ribs/grill, Syd, bikeride, RoyalsWin? My plan-Good Lord willing:

Friday, June 3, 2011

Weekend is over, its Monday and...

Your boss RELATES well with people - for sure with YOU! Obviously this is instrumental to how he/she COMMUNICATES so successfully.

He ACCOMODATES people & ideas, as he CREATES involvement, better systems & improvement-thinking; causing us to ELIMINATE waste on many fronts.

She FACILITATES teamwork among individuals & between teams/depts; never hesitating to productively EVALUATE, providing feedback as necessary.

He/she DEMONSTRATES leadership, professionalism & what we all want in our boss, by practicing the:


If I can help you, your business, or your management in these regards, let me know. These principles are what our soon-to-be-released book is all about,

Gods best to you,


Q: What if I train my people & they leave?
A: What if you don't & they stay!
(Consider this Q/A as it applies to supervision & management; & the fact the year is nearly half over. When?)

When leaders change (improve), ...organizations change (improve)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Greetings Manager friends! Will you make things better today? Along w/ managing Ops/systems - will your people grow thru your leadership?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A sunny awesome morning. Book#3 to publisher this week,...can't wait to share. Here is to something special happening today to YOU!