Thursday, November 17, 2011

ENCOURAGING Thoughts for Leaders

Encouraging, encourager, …encouragement is something that always comes up in Leadership vs Management-discussions. These kinds of thoughts are expressed, “I want my leader to be an encourager” or “A leader encourages people”. I have always somewhat discounted it as a separate quality or trait.

Whether meant sincerely or not, I just see encouraging comments as superficial and oftentimes lacking depth in
meaning. What are these kinds of words worth really: “That was amazing Bob, …Shelia that was a great effort, …I am so glad to have you on the team, …You are the best widget-maker in the company, (or) …keep up the good work”.
On their own these comments just seem kind of artificial, forced and contrived.

If you know me or if have read anything of mine in the past, you know I am about appreciating, valuing, growing people, etc.
So I hope it is obvious I am not against ‘encouraging’ people. I just think we actually encourage people through all of our other actions/behaviors as the leader – our walk vs our talk maybe!

Here is a brief listing of substantive ways we really encourage folks, or not:

• Listening to them, him/her (who I listen to is who I value/care about)…
• Developing a relationship with them, her/him (if I spend time getting to know you, it says I see you as important)…
• Asking their opinion, involving them in all that goes on (creates a sense of belonging and being wanted)…
• Helping them achieve their goals/what they want…
• Praising them for specific accomplishments in front of others (even if they say they don’t like that sort of thing)…
• Showing you genuinely care about them / not just about their widget-producing
(after all your job as the boss ‘requires’ you to care about their job; leaders also care about the person)…
• Protecting/shielding them from abuse (not letting others tear them down)…
• Delegate to them (this says much about your trust & value of them to you)…
• Coach and mentor them (again, spending time with people to grow them)…
• Find time once/month to formally sit down and give them honest feedback on expectations & accountability.
(the good & the bad, help them improve, etc)…

Believe me, if you lead in these ways, he/she WILL feel and be encouraged. I hope this encourages you to go
‘Walk ENCOURAGEMENT, and not just Talk it’.

[ If you are a parent, I am betting these thoughts have you thinking, huh? ]

Blessings my friend (which I should point out encourages me - that you are my friend),


Monday, November 14, 2011

It does not get any better than this - again this year!

Lots of emotions and thoughts in my head over recent days due to family, Thanksgiving, Church, Veterans Day, holidays and well, ....LIFE!

It struck me the phrase (above) made popular years ago, and how it used to be MY greeting to anyone and everyone back then. I used it for several years. I used it as an optimistic point of view to internalize and portray a positive attitude.

Interestingly it was during a time of struggles and I think it helped me. It was also before I knew HIM. Somewhere in the midst of some deeper human struggles in life it went away from my vocabulary.

Sunday, in church I got to thinking about this for some strange reason; HE, the pastors, Sunday School class and my church do that frequently (make me think); that is a good thing.

I was praying for my wife’s health, my work and business, finances and oh yeah, ........ALL those zillions of people in this world who are struggling soooooo much more than I am!

That is when that old phrase hit me. I was thinking of how so many years later, now that I have BECOME NEW and God is all over my life, I should REALLY be using that phrase. I plan to adopt it again - because truly IT DOES NOT GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS!

You see, it cannot be any better, because it is His Will and HE is there with me (and with us) huh?

Our struggles are relative and someone is always worse off than we are. Still our struggles are very real! It is where we are, the pains, suffering and struggles are ours indeed. That place is as good as it gets, because HE determines it so.

We are TO BE glad for this day - to be thankful for where we are, right? Did this make any sense to you? Be thankful if it did~!

Thanks for letting me share that with you. It does not get any better than this.

Think about others this holiday season.

All for the moment, Booker

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Senior Executive Development Consultant

Another St Louis opportunity just sharing: Senior Executive Development Consultant (#10169)

St. Louis based Ameren Corporation (AEE) is among the nation’s largest investor-owned electric or gas utilities with approximately $24B in assets. Ameren is the largest electric utility in Missouri and the second largest in Illinois. Ameren’s 9,800 employees provide energy services to 2.4 million electric customers and 1 million natural gas customers throughout its 64,000 square mile territory. Learn more at

( don't have any other info myself)
HR job in St Charles, MO: HR position, the St. Charles City School District (don't personally have any other info)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

RECOMMEND: If you wonder about your purpose, see movie, 'The Least Among You'. It will TALK to you about much, to include your Faith!
In city area Wed and Thurs late morning thru late afternoon this week. If you are free and we need/want to connect, holler at me!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nice list that Google has here, as many orgs/businesses sometimes have developed. The challenge is always of course in the follow-thru and making the list reality in terms of the leaders/leadership in the trenches. Frequently the shortfall is in the fact that we never carry thru to create these ideas/concepts into a set of competencies for leaders that are then used for the actual identification, interviewing/hiring, promoting, growing, training, mentoring & coaching of leaders. Of course this has a huge connection to the fact that the current leaders there (generically intended, not about Google) were not grown accordingly. Again a good start but can these be sustainably used to find and grow leaders?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Friend needing to find a photographer in KC area quickly to do a family photo shoot.. If you could do this, let me know so I can connect you!

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Just thinking this morning and sending you best wishes for a great Friday/weekend. Very likely with the season changing, we are not going to see many more nice days.

While we're on the topic: CHALLENGE YOURSELF TO CHANGE. Clearly if we are not changing, we are not learning, growing & improving. If we are not growing - then we are done, dead, finished or minimally just existing...?!?

As a friend made me think about yesterday in conversation - that growth is on us/up to us each individually to seek it. As seasons change, so must you, we, me, all of us.

Therefore seek growth in your life. Have a great day of watching the leaves, weather & season change. Change is a necessarily good thing; I wonder if others are seeing and observing our leaves changing?...

ECCL 3:1-8 says some amazing things in these regards and oh yeah, this all reminds me of that great old song, The Time of the Season, the Zombies from the 60's!

Take care, BOOKER

not a communicating issue

RELATIONSHIP is the key and answer to most COMMUNICATION issues in our lives.

Don't let the symptom of communications cloud the reality that it is really a relationship issue!

Same is modeled in our Walk with God, without RELATIONSHIP with Him first, communicating just won't happen.

Try reading the bible without the relationship/acceptance of Him first...

Lot of lessons for leaders here with this: (more to come on this topic :)))

Take care, BOOKER

Friday, October 21, 2011

sharing, good stuff

from DAY 295 | October 21, 2011, Daily Devotional...

Each day provides new opportunities to serve God and others. Your opportunities will be unique to your life and situation. Don't miss them. God has placed you where He needs you in order to serve others in Jesus' name. What opportunities will God bring you today?

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.-John 15:16

Prayer... Lord, I want my life to bear fruit for You. I do not want to miss the opportunities that You bring my way. Help me to see the opportunities You place in front of me and respond by serving others. Use me, I ask, in Jesus name, Amen

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

When it is all good

You know that feeling when a relationship has been rectified, a conflict with someone has been resolved, some issue take care of – all is good between you and that person? Been there, done that. It is such a happy, peaceful/stress is gone kind of feeling. It is all good! ahhhhhhhhhhh

On a whole other level it is that same feeling -times(x) maybe a million- when we are right with God. When we are doing right, the relationship is right, we are communicating, not distracted by worldly stuff, …that is when it is ALLLLLLL GOOD for real, big time.

It is likely only then when we can get that Galatians 5:22-kinda thing:
…But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control... All about relationship; nearly always is huh?

Do you have a relationship in need of repair; waiting on them to make it happen? How is that working out for you!?! Cease the insanity and find that PEACE thing-it is always so worth it.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

whose got your back

"I'VE GOT YOUR BACK..." Some recent lingo that seems to have applicability here in the leadership world as well. How,well thanks for asking! Think about the meaning of it?

Having your back is about someone that is close, trustworthy, dependable, reliable, etc Kind of like a leader ought to be for his/her people! No matter what people/the team mess up, their leader is there to
...stand up for, maybe take the hit for,
...create a Freedom to Fail culture,
..there when the delegated project struggles,
...there when others come messing with his/her people

- you get it right?

Sounds like a nice goal for a leader to become just that, a GOT YOUR BACK LEADER; and to create that mindset among his/her team, in their relations with each other.

Makes me think of our relationship with our Creator, our Lord, our God - that comfort, peace and knowledge HE is there all the time anytime - HE has our back if we ask Him to be there.

Just thinking...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

employment info: 30-35 hrs/wk front office work-kc area. Receptionist, medical background helpful. Need to fill the position ASAP.

No good deed goes unpunished

I came across one of those things that made me go hmmmmm. It is to do with doing the right thing, doing kindly things, helping others, etc. It is about doing those things with no expectation in return, doing them just because… Got your interest?

So I am reading and thinking and something about our belief in our Almighty God and how that does not mean life will then just become great and easy. Now that is not really new to me; but this from Timothy 3:12 made me think of it all from a different angle. Paul is teaching: ..In fact, everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…. Well there is a big YIKES, huh? However all of us that decide to proclaim him (I like to call it me coming out of the closet regarding my belief :) know this to be true on some level.

For some reason as I pondered all this, the old phrase No Good Deed Goes Unpunished came to mind. In our human minds we may come to think and maybe expect something good in return for doing something good. That is just not reality, even though it sometimes happens for sure.

Regardless here is to all your good deeds today being rewarded!

In wrapping this up, I think this is possibly about short-term vs long-term/big picture thinking and thinkers?!? I will let you work on it and get back to me hopefully. My shoulder is hurting, maybe the meds are impacting my thoughts; and so if this is a bit unclear or there are typos, cut me some slack will you?

That WOULD be the nice thing to do, and no I do not know if there will be any reward in it for you or not

Your friend Booker

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Surgery update

surgery complete, lots of pain, keep praying. Thanks much, will update

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Be something bigger than an ant

I just don't want to be like an ant!

I guess it is why routine bores me; I get to thinking of myself like an ant. You know how you can look down & see ants scurrying around - that just seems what we humans resemble at times?

We need purpose vs just existing through our hourly/daily grind of life. Seems that is what brings us real PEACE - when we have that direction/purpose clarified. Well anyway just thinking & wanted to encourage all of us:
Do NOT just be existing.
Be happy & joyful in your Walk.
Make others Smile.
Help someone - focus on OTHERS which is where we all find peace & real purpose, at least I do.... in & thru serving.

The down times are when we focus too much on us, ourselves, OUR problems. That is when we struggle; think about it (or not).

Regardless go cause cheer & good stuff today; if you are a LEADER, go fix something!

Lastly, paraphrasing something I read here: Spread the Gospel always, ...and when necessary use words.

Gods best for some REAL purpose today my friend! BOOKER

Monday, October 3, 2011

Leadership & Faith Learning Forum

Sharing a few of the comments about the Leadership Development Forum kicked off Sept 29th:
"...what a diverse group of quality, management professionals to learn with." "...Throughout the session there were times when my mind was thinking about how I could apply to my staff (team)..." "Thank you for helping me find understand better my inner self and it seemed God never left my side! " "...I came away very energized and in a good mood which lasted all day, ...I can already see that I am gaining knowledge just by listening to the others." "We have an awesome group and you are so blessed to know all of them! I walked away feeling like I just made ten new friends."

In preparation for this (LGT)Leader Development program I just began (involving God/Faith into the leader's daily walk) I discovered something intriguing and interesting about our approach to each.

Now we have all heard about the necessity of taking time out to listen, pray and seek the Lord - nothing new there. This TIME factor is something I hear from leaders I work with; hearing some say words such as “I just don’t have time for leadership.” Some think of the art, mastery & practice of Leadership as though it was just another task / hour to plug into the daily planner at the end of the day!

These are the ones who haven’t quite gotten it. Leadership is not another task for the TO DO list - but a way of life, who you are, how you do what you do …& who you are. For real leaders and real leadership, it is the way you walk your daily walk & how we behave, causing others to want to follow us (or not). For leadership to be effective, it must be intertwined & be a part of everything the leader does - words, actions, habits, presence, etc. It is about his/her personality traits, qualities, skills, principles, values and practices; again not to be an extra hour to force into the day somewhere?

Now going back to the idea of setting aside time for God; in some ways I think this is the same misled kind of thinking. Our time with God should be something that ‘goes with you’ every minute of every hour of every day. Isn’t it through the minute-by-minute talk & interaction/dialog with our creator & most awesome leader that we grow in our lives? For me, it is that personal relationship & communication that goes on continually that is important. It is what gives me peace & where I find comfort in God, that all-day-long relating that goes on between God and myself. Not plugging in another hour somewhere, somehow…?

Yes, indeed we need to find time to study Him, His Word, our bible and maybe seek what others say about Faith as well. In that same vein, this LGT program we just kicked off is with leaders coming together to focus on Leadership ‘continuous improvement’ to take back & make our leadership-walk a better one. What makes this program, this process (at least for me) so great, is we are taking time to study & focus on improvement in GOD (AND) our LEADERSHIP at the same time!!! The (WIFM) WHATS-IN-IT-FOR-ME for the dozen leaders is taking time to increase our understanding and skills to make our Leadership better every minute, every hour, every day; and to raise our consciousness of focusing on that personal relationship and bringing Him along every minute, every hour, every day as we lead those we are serving.

May God give you the Wisdom to understand what I was attempting to share & communicate here! Did you get it?

*new forums being put together as we speak; let me know if interested.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Real Leaders are FISHERS OF...

I have always liked this concept/idea in regard to leaders & leadership:

.....Jesus went into Galilee and proclaimed the gospel. As he went along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew casting a net into the sea (for they were fishermen).

Jesus said to them, ...Follow me, and I will turn you into FISHERS OF MEN (people). They left their nets immediately and followed him.

Is this not what we should be as leaders with those we lead - Fishers of Men, as well as developing/creating more FISHERS OF MEN?

As a leader, are people following you? How willingly and faithfully do you follow your leader?

Of course, the bigger question is about how you/we are following our Savior, the BIG Fishers of Men!?!

Im just thinking... BOOKER

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Awesome day-not to mention the weather!(guess I just did?) Led Leader program w/12 great leaders/people, w/God/Faith part of

Friday, September 23, 2011

IT position, Lexington, MO

The HCC is hiring for a full time HIT Manager. Resumes with references should be sent to or before Friday, September 30th, 2011. Resumes may also be mailed to HCC or faxed to 660.259.9019.

Target start date is November 1st, 2011. Salary range is +/-$40,000 per year plus benefits.

HIT Network Manager

SUMMARY: The HIT Network Manager will be responsible for the day to day operations of the HIT Network and participating members.


1. Experienced in working with organizations with diverse backgrounds to reach consensus regarding issues

2. Able to provide technical data in ways that it can be understood to both IT and CEO audiences

3. Supportive of the collaborative nature of the HCC and its work

4. Willingness to help develop on-going revenue streams through HIT initiative

5. High energy individual

6. College degree preferred (Information Technology a plus)


1. Lead and manage all day to day operational responsibilities for the HIT Network

2. Responsible researching, collecting data, and making recommendations regarding the future activities of the HIT Network

3. Aggressively pursue grants geared to Rural HIT that would be of value to the Coalition members and are consistent with Coalition goals;

4. Cultivates relationships with HIT partners at the local, state and federal level

5. Maintains close relationships with media throughout the country, communicating the successes and “lessons learned”.

6. Ensures all programmatic goals and outcomes are met. Submits all required financial and written reports to the appropriate funding sources in the required format in a timely manner

7. Actively participate and contribute to the sustainability of the HIT Network, including the development of a fee for service menu that can be marketed to potential new members

8. Maintain close communication with Coalition/Network Board members

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Today I was in discussion with a new relationship in life - a leader & teacher. As we finished I was just pondering a bit. Part of this also stemmed from a discussion with a church leadership group.

One thing that came to mind was the old argument of MANAGEMENT vs LEADERSHIP...

Did you know that churches struggle just as businesses, teams, departments & organizations struggle? ...with stability, changing, maintaining, growing, etc?

Anyway, it just hit me that the old phrase about OUT OF THE BOX-thinking has applicability to this difference (ldrship/mgmt).

So many people, cultures & MANAGERS think purely INSIDE that box - maintaining what is known, keeping things stabilized, feeding comfort zones and essentially managing what is there now.

Few people think systemically and in terms of process. Leaders indeed work outside of that box - they GROW, LEARN, IMPROVE, CHANGE, TEACH & MAKE THINGS BETTER...

They are the ones who are not stuck or constrained by the borders of the box. They see & realize the BETTER WAYS are outside that old box. They also realize that when things are comfortable & stable, they are vulnerable. Work on that for a moment. Can things be too comfortable, too good, too right..?

Anyway, just thinking (with my new friend Larry)

Friday, September 9, 2011

3 weeks to go: Awesome small group of professionals learning/growing together in LDRSHIP/FAITH/PERSONAL GROWTH... Sept 29 -few seats left in KC

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

In Jonesboro(AR) visiting my 2 awesome kids& families thru Tues. If you are n the area, let me know. Meeting w/ some past friends/clients.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

no laptop, ipad or notebook instead

Looking for input, experience, thinking on this! I am considering doing away w/ laptop & going to IPAD, NOTEBOOK or something like that. Any thoughts or recommendations, info regarding decision?
considering doing away w/ laptop & going to IPAD, NOTEBOOK or something like that. Any thoughts or recommendations, info regarding decision?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Saw movie, The Help. Won't try to influence thinking here, but Trust the Coach & check it out. The best & worst of God's people in this one...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hang in there

So many are being challenged. You are likely facing & trying to get through something huh? If not, think about & pray for others! Whether you are struggling or helping someone thru theirs, I hope you find some peace in it today.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:2-5).

...Hang in there
...You can do it
...Keep your head up
...Let others help you
...Ask for help
...This too shall pass...

God's best my friend, DOUG

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pursuing Godly Leaders

Past 20 yrs I worked to develop indiv leaders & org leadership. For next 20 I intend to work on Godly Leadership ..starting w/ me!, ..& You?
Past 20 yrs I worked to develop indiv leaders & org leadership. For next 20 I intend to work on Godly Leadership ..starting w/ me!, ..& You?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friend/professional looking for someone with a high level of expertise with creating & dynamics of LLCs and Trusts?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hey Leaders, what THEY want from you

Many years facilitating management development, culture, team, etc, led to the creation of the following list. From people at all levels, who all have to follow to some degree, these were the top desires of people from their leaders.
What does it mean? Well for sure any leader routinely leading according to these factors would be one darned good leader in most follower’s eyes!
Here are the Top 10, as expressed by people in all kinds of organizations serving in all kinds of different capacities. Interestingly, the vast majority of these observations, complaints, voids, wants and needs are mostly from management folks themselves, really! Think about the significance of what that says for a moment!
Here are likely the words and thoughts of any, maybe most - how about you? Would this make a pretty good leader to you?

1. I WANT my boss to support me, shield me and care about me-not just care about what I can do. Caring would include clear feedback every now and then also…

2. I WISH my boss would deal with that one person that makes everybody else miserable. That one (bad apple) is just allowed to do what he wants, because they are afraid of him. They really believe that we can’t live without him, what a joke.

3. I WANT to be involved early on regarding impending changes, new ideas, solutions to problems… When I am not involved, I just start not caring about how well things are done, get an attitude and become very apathetic. My motivation is well, you get it...

4. I NEED the opportunity to develop myself, be taught new skills, have the opportunity to be promoted, or maybe just be recognized for what I do now.

5. I WISH things were done fairly, no matter who knows who, or who the boss likes at the moment…

6. I WISH I could be communicated with on what is going on, not just what he/she thinks I need to know. I find more out more from co-workers than I do from him/her, above…

7. I WANT conflict to be dealt with fairly, quickly, … When people are in conflict, it is just allowed to fester, drive everyone else crazy and puts everyone on edge…

8. I WISH we would take the time to do things right. We rush through everything; like when someone new is hired, we just give them a few minutes of training and throw them into the routine. We barely even introduce them, and for sure we are setting them up for failure, because of poor training. Team-Relationship building is basically non-existent…

9. I NEED my boss to be real. I need him/her to be personable, open to being wrong, admitting when they are; be willing to be a friend as well as a firm, consistent and honest boss...

10. I WISH I was more challenged, maybe even get the boss to delegate some things to me. She is afraid to let anyone else do anything for fear of her own job, or maybe he just doesn’t trust anyone. How will we ever get any better?

These as well as others you are probably thinking of right now, are what is required for me to flourish, grow, learn and become more and more productive and useful to ME, to YOU, to the ORGANIZATION.

Maybe the question is, are you OK with me becoming you…., are you modeling the right stuff?
Some food for thought... Take care, DOUG
My Abandoned Life for Your Abundant Life

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Have friend looking 4 connections w/mentoring youth -his passion n life/seeking focus? Plz holler if U would be open to connecting w/him

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Seek location/KC area for 10+ people to conduct a 3hr meeting, 1-2/month. Need privacy, comfort, min. technology& access to refreshments?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Are you a mid/senior level manager?

...and with an interest & desire to explore, grow, learn & dialogue with other leaders regarding Leadership challenges of Faith, Walking your walk, Being a Christian in your role, God in Workplace?!?

This Fall I am putting together a couple of groups of mid/sr-level managers (in KC area in person & online component) to do just this.

If this of interest to you or you know others who may be interested, plz let me know. Many more details to sort out, but seeking to fill out the initial couple of groups first of all.

Take care, BOOKER
Are u mid/senior-level mgr w/interest in exploring, growing, learning w/others regarding Leadership challenges of Faith, God in Workplace?!?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Recent blog link: MidYear Review, Evaluation, Grace & Thanx

Friend needing short-term place to rent

Now thru Sept? She is needing place to rent KC/OP area. In the College/Metcalf vicinity or close nearby, maybe along I-69 corrider? Need 1 BR, washer/dryer, furnished (or could rent some myself) and accepts pets. Covered parking is always a good thing if available.

Let me know and I will connect you...BOOKER

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Job notice, passing on: Compensation & Benefits Manager (salaried position) with 5+ yrs experience. Must have experience performing salary, wage, market and classification analysis. Experience in a manufacturing & a bargaining union environment is helpful. Please send your resume to

Monday, July 18, 2011

Wed & Thursday in the Topeka vicinity. For any of my friends in that area (or maybe Lawrence), holler and maybe we can connect and catch up!



I was asked for advice (speaking, leadership work, etc)

I was asked by a friend seeking advice for his daughter, who wanted to get into Motivational Speaking-type work. After rambling a bit in response, I thought I would share some bullets here with you. Just my thinking mind you:

Success & Life is all about PEOPLE-WISDOM first and foremost – it is about THEM and not YOU! That kind of education needs to be at the top of your list. It is not about how smart you are, how impressive your record, your expertise - but rather your understanding of people that will cause you to succeed in life. Do you engage people in person or spend your life emailing/texting, TV, Facebooking, etc? Go learn & relate to/with people. Become conscious of others in school, the grocery store, church, neighbors, those at the other tables in the cafeteria, go visit companies/businesses, HR people, knuckleheads everywhere, etc. And oh yeah, realize that on some level you are also a knucklehead.

Are you a People-person? I love to ask this question, especially to managers in the workplace. Many of us will say we are (a people-person). If one too quickly wants to impose their opinion that they surely are – I always challenge them with, (how do you know…do you really get to decide?)

>>>People get to decide this about us, not ourselves. Do people seek you out for wisdom - all kinds of people, & not just friends. Anyone can be successful with those they like?!?

LISTEN to others. LISTEN to others. LISTEN to others. Grow in how others think, behave, and study WHY.

Learn to function, relate and succeed with all kinds of personality types. A good gauge of this and how well you do this is to think of others around –teachers, bosses, those not in our cliques, social circles, etc. Can you relate and communicate effectively with them? Anyone can do well with those that fit in well with our own thinking. The challenge is to succeed with those who don’t. Of course you do well with MOST, it is the others/the minority; that category of teachers, bosses/people around us who drive us nuts initially. I always tell students in my grad/undergrad programs to focus in on those teachers (and there will be some) who you do not like for whatever reason. Pretend they (and their personality-type) are your next boss, co-worker, etc. Once we leave school, and enter the work/adult world, we don’t necessarily just get to hang out with our chosen-cliques anymore. Employers don’t check to see if you get along with those you will be asked to work around/with…

Develop an understanding of the Power of Relationships. Very simply stated - consider and practice: Have a cup of coffee (or whatever) with someone before you need and/or want them for something.

Engage people in all areas of your life - all directions, all diversities, up/down, etc. Learn and grow thru them (ALL) and their thinking. Read books on people who have succeeded and try to understand why they did…and copy/use their techniques and habits.

What are your messages, …your philosophy of life, …your principles, …what are you about, …why would others listen, …what do you have to share that is unique? Evaluate and understand your whole person - what is lacking, where do you need to grow yet (other than in age, experience and wisdom)? There are tons of great people around; again, why should someone choose you? Marketing and Networking need to become your friends and areas where you focus and emphasize and learn!

Understand, ponder, practice and become what this quote is all about:
People don't care how much you know until first they know how much you care.

Put your faith, hope and trust in God (faith) first of all vs YOU (and other humans!). Attempting to do this on your own (or anything you pursue in life) requires God(faith) to be right by your side. Seek His advice and counsel always in your daily walk.


Never Stop Learning. This may just sound like a worn-out phrase, but it is huge to the success of anyone/anywhere. When we stop learning, we are done (in more ways than one). Leaders and Teachers, and for sure even consultants and speakers are challenged by this – seemingly getting there and thus not learning anymore.

Just some thoughts I should have understood as a High School student, BOOKER

Friday, July 15, 2011

passing along, some employment?

Firm looking for support with a quick turnaround e-learning project All, A contact of mine at Jackson Walker L.L.P. in Dallas is looking for some help developing e-learning modules to support a migration between Document Management Systems. Following is the information and a point of contact. If you have experience developing short e-learning modules using Adobe Captivate, you may want to look into this opportunity.
Thanks, Mary
We are developing short (5 min. or less) e-learning modules for the training of iManage Worksite 8.5 through Adobe Captivate 4. The total content will be about two hours in length. We have a design template and an outline for the content. We are also going to develop an online assessment as well. What we need is a developer with Captivate experience who can help us with the recording and editing of the modules and the assessment. This would be a resource that we can bring to our office, set them up with a login, workstation and outline and set them to work. It would be about two to three weeks of work.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask. If anyone is interested, have them contact me at

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Shipping books - new book now avail: Kindle, eBook or actual book
Make it an awesome day 4U & those around U!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Looking for a PROJECT MANAGER type willing to take on a project that could become your business. Holler if you seem to be a fit...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

God, bless America

Quick thought connecting to this holiday.

As I have been growing closer to God and placing Him on top above everything where He belongs - the words & phrase (God bless America) had become seemingly almost insignificant!?!

I love this country and what all it is, but as I pondered this recently, what made it become important again was simply adding a COMMA!

God, bless America. It was not just a well-known and commonly used phrase, it was now like a prayer. God, please bless America?

Just made it work for me again and that is a good thing! ...thanks for listening to my rambling and have a great holiday my friend.

God, bless YOU!

Take care, BOOKER

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My new book is available!

Hoping you will choose to take a look at this book, The Conference for Leaders. More later on book signings and more formal announcement but wanted to quickly get the word out to my friends. On Kindle (Amazon)

Also printed version and eBook available thru my website,

Thanks and please help me share the news and spread to people you may know who may have a connection to: Management, Women in Leadership, CEOs and Human Resources, Leadership Conferences and in-house training, Faith/God in the Workplace, Culture, Leadership Principles for Business, ROI and Leadership Development, etc... additionally Kansas City and my hometown of Lexington, MO are part of the story line!

God's best my friend, take care and have a great holiday weekend. Booker

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

In Overland Park thru about 5:15 or so. If we need to connect, talk or catch up, holler at 9132320244. Likely at Panera on Metcalf/College

Friday, June 24, 2011


Hope you have a great Friday/weekend - you and your team, and family! Sharing a tip for TEAM IMPROVEMENT, which could help YOUR world as well:

Thursday, June 23, 2011


JOB SEARCH: confidential search for an Instructional Designer, experience with ADDIE, Mechanical electrical systems, mfg environments. Contact me and I will connect you to Point of Contact/Recruiter.
JOB SEARCH: confidential search for an Instructional Designer, experience with ADDIE, Mechanical electrical systems, mfg environments.
Some great efforts for HOPE for Joplin: see link

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Morale, Motivation, Self and Culture

First day of summer in the 70's! I'll take it. Have a great day & help someone else have one as well. Sharing here:

Friday, June 17, 2011

In St Lous visiting sister/family, Royals/Cards game, biking on Katy Trail & meeting couple friends. You in St Charles area?..let me know?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

PRE-Sale of fireworks for YOUR 4th

Sending you this in support of CASA (a great organization for the benefit of foster children). A fundraiser for this non-profit org:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sandbagging help needed, Levasy MO

(passing this on): A call has gone out for volunteers to help with sandbagging the churches and homes in Levasy. The National Guard has a squad of soldiers on duty in Levasy at this moment, but more help is desperately needed! The Ebenezer United Church of Christ is in a dangerous spot. They need assistance in placing sandbags around the church.

Rev. Joyce Holly & Rev. Betty Thaller just called and asked for us to help in any way possible. The need is for people over the age of 18 years (or with guardian permission for those under 18 years of age) to assist with placing sandbags and moving some items out of the churches and homes.

The volunteers are needed Thursday morning, June 16th, at 9:00 am. They will be gathering at Ebenezer UCC.

If anyone can assist, their help will be deeply appreciated by the saints and citizens of Levasy.

Dale Felder, Higginsville Ministerial Fellowship

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Scooter's Coffeehouse College & Antioch
Looking for a part time Barista

Sunday, June 12, 2011

tickets maybe cardinals/royals

tickets for cardinals & royals on fri/jun 17 in st louis, if interested in going/joining me, let me know - for friends in the area...?
tickets for cardinals & royals on fri/jun 17 in st louis, if interested in going/joining me, let me know - for friends in the area...?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I came across this at a very tough time in life; it helped me a lot & really still like to go back to it now and then.

I also like to share it when it seems to fit someone's struggles.

There are a few I was wanting to share this with just now, just thought I would put it out there for YOU as well.

Gods best this day my friend, BOOKER (see below)

The Bend in the Road

Sometimes we come to life's crossroads
And we view what we think is the end...

But God has a much wider vision
And he knows that it's only a bend,

The road will go on and get smoother
And after we've stopped for a rest...

The path that lies hidden beyond us
Is often the path that is best.

So rest and relax and grow stronger,
Let go and let God share your load

And have faith in a brighter tomorrow,
YOU have just come to a bend in the road.

Author: Helen Steiner Rice
Thanx for concern w/ our AC being out -back on & cool again. Another hot one & then some 80s coming!?! Take care, now go smile at someone,

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bummer, the AC is on the fritz -nice timing ay? STILL so totally blessed, not complaining on that! Some GOD time this morning has me thinking …it is that attitude thing... it is about HOW we play the game… it is HOW we act, WHAT we say, WHO we are serving, helping others…

Our focus need be on HOW & WHO we are vs. WHERE we are going. He will take care of that, HE knows what He is doing, do you(we)? It is about journey vs. destination for sure …perspective maybe? …it does not get any better than this!?!

As I said, I was just thinking …STAY COOL!

Just had an interesting thought about humans vs ants, it can wait,…you can hardly wait huh?

A smile really is just a frown turned upside down, is it not?

AC not working, FURNACE is fine

Bummer, the AC is on the fritz -nice timing ay? STILL so totally blessed, not complaining on that!

Some GOD time this morning has me thinking …it is that attitude thing... it is about HOW we play the game… it is HOW we act, WHAT we say, WHO we are serving, helping others…

Our focus need be on HOW & WHO we are vs. WHERE we are going. He will take care of that, HE knows what He is doing, do you(we)? It is about journey vs. destination for sure …perspective maybe? …it does not get any better than this!?!

As I said, I was just thinking …STAY COOL!

Just had an interesting thought about humans vs ants, it can wait,…you can hardly wait huh?

A smile really is just a frown turned upside down, is it not?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

So blessed

By watergarden this am reading/ thinking, so awesome out, so blessed! Church, ribs on grill, Syd, bike ride, bit of yardwork, a Royals Win? Thats my plan-Good Lord willing:
By pond reading/blessed: church, ribs/grill, Syd, bikeride, RoyalsWin? My plan-Good Lord willing:

Friday, June 3, 2011

Weekend is over, its Monday and...

Your boss RELATES well with people - for sure with YOU! Obviously this is instrumental to how he/she COMMUNICATES so successfully.

He ACCOMODATES people & ideas, as he CREATES involvement, better systems & improvement-thinking; causing us to ELIMINATE waste on many fronts.

She FACILITATES teamwork among individuals & between teams/depts; never hesitating to productively EVALUATE, providing feedback as necessary.

He/she DEMONSTRATES leadership, professionalism & what we all want in our boss, by practicing the:


If I can help you, your business, or your management in these regards, let me know. These principles are what our soon-to-be-released book is all about,

Gods best to you,


Q: What if I train my people & they leave?
A: What if you don't & they stay!
(Consider this Q/A as it applies to supervision & management; & the fact the year is nearly half over. When?)

When leaders change (improve), ...organizations change (improve)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Greetings Manager friends! Will you make things better today? Along w/ managing Ops/systems - will your people grow thru your leadership?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A sunny awesome morning. Book#3 to publisher this week,...can't wait to share. Here is to something special happening today to YOU!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Follow up on previous blog on JUDGING

A friend(?) sent me this and had to share; just blogged something on judging so this was a no-brainer to send as a follow-up, you judge!


I was shocked, confused, bewildered
As I entered Heaven's door,
Not by the beauty of it all,
Nor the lights or its decor.

But it was the folks in Heaven
Who made me sputter and gasp--
The thieves, the liars, the sinners,
The alcoholics and the trash.

There stood the kid from seventh grade
Who swiped my lunch money twice.
Next to him was my old neighbor
Who never said anything nice.

Roger , who I always thought
Was rotting away in hell,
Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,
Looking incredibly well.

I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal?
I would love to hear Your take.
How'd all these sinners get up here?
God must've made a mistake.

'And why is everyone so quiet,
So somber - give me a clue.'
'Hush, child,' He said, 'they're all in shock.
No one thought they'd be seeing you.'


Remember...Just going to church doesn't make you a
Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

Every saint has a PAST...
Every sinner has a FUTURE!
Now it's your turn... Share this poem.

[my previous blog on judging: ] Take care, BOOKER
When a friend does wrong in some way, do you tell them? As a leader, do you then? (or just practice Avoidance Conflict/Confrontation)!

Friday, May 27, 2011

book back from editor. playing golf w/ a buddy. sun out, birds r drying out&chirping. daughter/sister-families coming. Mannnnnn, so blessed!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

In the spirit of one of my fav movies Field of Dreams & because today was predicted to be Doomsday, etc, I awoke thinking "Is this Heaven?"

Friday, May 20, 2011

GO ROYALS, beating the Cardinals, hardly gets any better than that! 3-0 WIN
Just a song that works on me, good tune, interesting words
Seeking some information/experiences/knowledge you may have regarding STEPHEN MINISTRIES? Thanks for anything

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Judging, being judged, Judgment Day

Some thoughts hit me in the midst of all the current speculation about End Times w/ disasters, tragedy & bad stuff seemingly everywhere these days. On top of it all, I saw where some guy wrote a book predicting the world will come to an end THIS SATURDAY/May 21!

When I heard about him, my inclination was to judge that guy predicting this. Now I must admit I do not believe that this will really happen on Saturday, but in fact how do you or I know? In fact we do not know, do we? We can think it is not going to come to an end, but that is nothing different from his guess-work. We are all just dealing with assumptions, and you know about assumptions, …well I will assume you do anyway! We both have a right to think what we wish huh? Does this make you a bad person or him a bad person or some we should judge negatively without knowing any facts and…
We are all guilty of judging people now and then for sure. Of course with my work in Leadership, I had to think about this judging thing from a management perspective as well. Judging others critically is just not right, and leads to bad things among/between people. If we judge, how do others judge us?

Good people (and for sure good leaders) just do not or at least should try not do be judgmental. Some of the dynamics that are flowing out of me here about our judging:

• Someone who disagrees with our thoughts…
• Someone who sends emails like this…
• Someone too fat or too thin…
• People with physical handicaps/disabilities, lisps & stuff like that…
• Someone who talks too much…or gossips…
• People talking on their cell or texting all the time…
• Someone who will not talk or share their opinion…
• In church the one who speaks in tongues…
• Earrings on guys, piercing or tattooing…
• Someone who drinks alcohol…or maybe smokes…
• Someone who thinks differently (from YOU)…
• Someone’s past, or history, or family…
• Nerdy, techy types…
• Someone too nice or too polite, …or who cusses…
• Different politics, religion, habits, communication style…
• Someone with a disability, limp, speech impediment…
• Someone who is in management…
• People with continual problems…
Thinking about management, good leaders do judge as part of their professional evaluation roles, but just should not be personally critical/but focus on performance specifically?!?

If the BIG JUDGMENT DAY does happen Saturday, will we be ready to be judged? As HE judges, will our judging of others be considered?
As I wrap this up with maybe a GOD BLESS or GODS BEST as usual, please do not judge. Believe me I know this happens even playing out in people unsubscribing to me because of it. In judging them:), that is just so nuts, because I am not imposing my God on you, but just asking MY God to bless YOU(them). I guess I just judged them huh?...forgive me.

Gods best to you my friend, BOOKER is not the great revelation we have not had that will cause us trouble, but failing to walk in the ones God has already given us...from a favorite devotional by Copelands

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Firmly believe that 95% of most COMMUNICATION issues, barriers, problems & challenges are really RELATIONSHIP issues, barriers, problems & challenges!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Think happy thoughts & smile at people today! In city for appts w/ free time after 2:30. Holler if you want to try to connect? 913.232.0244

Monday, May 16, 2011

REAL LEADERSHIP's about WISDOM & rarely little to do w/ POWER! [reminder:plz take a look; answer Qs if poss.]

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Join the ACCP Jun 2 for Golf & Networking -4person team scramble. Golfer/non-golfer, have a great time on the course at Unity Village!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Book website!!!

Would you please help me with this?

Would you reach out and share our new website w/ 3-5 leaders/managers that you know?

Please ask them to answer 3-5 questions on the DISCUSSIONS FORUM?

The site is

Would you go to the site and do the same?

Welcome any/all input, etc; I appreciate you very much for helping us.

Take care, BOOKER
Would u help! Would u share new website w/ 3 leaders u know; ask them to answer 3-5 questions? (would u do the same?)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Would some LEADER out there find a word to replace the most overly-used word in our society: AWESOME???!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Putting together a bible-ministerial study w/those interested? Online w/ 3-hr physical meeting every 3 weeks?...east side of KC? Interested?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Leadership, Faith, Help

PSALMS 25:4-5 Help me understand your ways O Lord! Teach me your paths! Guide me into your truth and teach me. >>This is so where I am right now with a strong prayer request & guidance that this upcoming book of mine will lead to helping to do His Will. This book has so many dynamics: Leader Development, Faith, Women in Leadership, Great 8 Leader Principles; ...sharing my becoming New, Lexington visibility; workplace relationships and issues; connecting with people all over the country through opportunities this book could help them with, etc.

Appreciate you sharing about the book as it becomes available this month along with a website to grow and learn with people. Book title: The Conference for Leaders.

Gods best to you my friend, please holler if I can help your world (sincerely). BOOKER
PSALMS 25:4-5 Help me understand your ways, O Lord! Teach me your paths! Guide me into your truth and teach me. >>This is so where I am right now with a strong prayer request & guidance that this upcoming book of mine will lead to helping to do His Will. This book has so many dynamics: Leader Development, Faith, Women in Leadership, Great 8 Leader Principles; ...sharing my becoming New, Lexington visibility; workplace relationships and issues; connecting with people all over the country through opportunities this book could help them with, etc.

Appreciate you sharing about the book as it becomes available this month along with a website to grow and learn with people. Book title: The Conference for Leaders.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The manager's job?

Seeking some thinking for upcoming book: As a leader, is it your job or responsibility to help or cause your people to have a good day?
FOR MANAGERS: As a leader, is it your job or responsibility to help, ensure or cause your people to have a good day?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Employment in Massachusetts? Mfg Supervisor jobs available. If interested send me email and I will send info I have/just passing on info!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Loveland, CO Friends of mine new Residential/Business Cleaning (BEYOND CLEAN) business to Loveland/surrounding communities - 10 years experience, relocating from KC area/references available 970.599.6750
KC AFLAC hiring Reg Administrator. M-F 8-4:30. Able to multi-task, organize, computer skills & work w/pressure. Contact Rebecca 816-421-8880

Monday, May 2, 2011
Relationships/Networking! In Colorado visiting & connected w/ Katy!, former Online Bus Mgmt student I never met til now! Great person. Hope to meet many more great people I have taught online and never met, yet!

Leaders and all of us, CANNOT NOT lead by example?

MATTHEW 5:14 has me thinking this morning:

..You are the light of the world. A city located on a hill cannot be hidden.... People do not light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before people, so that they can see...
Have a great day!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

In Loveland w/ some cold & windy weather, but the mountains remain awesome as always ...thinking of all the GOOD and beauty God has created.

With our Struggles comes Learning!?!

So much I like about this-reading this morning and thought I would share! To me it gives peace DURING our ups AND downs!

Joy in Trials JAMES 1:2 My brothers and sisters, 4 consider it nothing but joy 5 when you fall into all sorts of trials, 1:3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 1:4 And let endurance have its perfect effect, so that you will be perfect and complete, not deficient in anything. 1:5 But if anyone is deficient in wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without reprimand, and it will be given to him. 1:6 But he must ask in faith without doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed around by the wind. 1:7 For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord, 1:8 since he is a double-minded individual, 6 unstable in all his ways.

1:9 Now the believer 7 of humble means 8 should take pride 9 in his high position........

May your struggles be few, but when they occur, let learning happen!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Are you the CALL CENTER management world? Meeting of this Thurs:
Visiting Loveland Colorado coming week!


Suggestion boxes on walls of a business indicates a lack of leadership, trust, upward comm, etc! I call them DISTRUST BOXES, think about it! They say, sure we want your input and realize you can not funnel it thru your leader, so scratch it out on a note and go STICK IT in that box on the wall.

I am just sayin....!
Suggestion boxes on walls of a business indicates a lack of leadership, trust, upward comm, etc! I call them DISTRUST BOXES, think about it!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Being a NON-MicroManager!?!

The concept of DELEGATION is a great way for a leader to begin breaking away from being a micro-manager. Delegation develops two-way trust (that you trusted me to do this and that I know you can be trusted to get the job done). Delegation develops people to be better prepared to do higher-level work. It develops thinking skills, problem solving abilities, initiative, confidence, and self-esteem. It also allows you to discover strengths and weaknesses of your people. Consider this scenario…by delegating, I am developing that person to take on more responsibility and allowing me time to practice leadership in other areas. If I take advantage of this opportunity, I can also become a better coach to those that I have delegated to, since I will have to do some coaching along the way. The challenge is not to do too much and get in the way…after all, too much coaching can signal a lack of trust. When you delegate, keep these factors in mind; be available, since there may be questions and issues that come up. Also, remember to give the authority necessary to do the job…nothing is more frustrating than to be given the assignment but not the authority to get it done.

And here’s a HUGE, BIG, VERY IMPORTANT point! Regardless of the outcome, the responsibility of the delegated action remains with you! …If it goes well, the person who did the work gets the credit; if it doesn’t go so well—guess who gets the blame?…that’s right, Mr/Mrs. LEADER, You! This piece is crucial to your ability to gain buy-in to the whole idea of delegation. What I mean here is that one of the killers to delegating is the ‘risk’ aspect. You must take the risk out of the equation for them - the only real risk here is the one that you are taking, by delegating. Tip: It is a good idea to bring your own boss into the thought-process when delegating…so he/she realizes and buys into the idea of taking this risk with your people. You also may discover that this particular action or project is one that the boss does not want you to risk. Hence, that was a good idea to involve the boss, huh?

Bottom line? practicing real delegation, in the process you have learned more about delegation, coaching, relationship-building, developing people, identified strengths, utilized resources effectively, support, praise and on and on and on…as well as improved trust. And who knows, with enough of this, properly done, you may actually get a day off sometime soon!?!

Concept addressed within the Great 8 Leadership Principles/my book, The Conference for Leaders...

Fixing Micro-managers

Is your boss a micro-manager? The way to FIX him/her is to begin feeding them upward, lots! Keep them overly-informed until they begin telling YOU to go away!
As I finalize my book, would u share link here w/(3) people u know? Mgrs, CEO types, HR, Sales, Preachers, Leaders, Teachers?
Received this from (3) sources/friends over last two days; sharing with you:

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hope you & yours have a great Easter & we will remember HE died on the cross for us! Song 4 u:

Friday, April 22, 2011


UTOPIA is a concept I used to ponder now and then; these days it has a whole new meaning and picture in my mind. I am sure that it is Heaven, and it will be much more utopian than imagineable.

Anyway, I was thinking of how I used to think of the Utopia concept – more than anything, it was a place where all friends, family and good relationships from our lives would all come together again. Would that not be cool, all those, just the ones you/we/I want there of course, all together for always. Not just them from the past but obviously those right here in our present, like my wife, kids, parents, family, etc…you get it huh?
Social Networking has brought a whole new meaning to all this as wel, now that I think about it. It has been great re-connecting, reaching out and discovering many. The frustrating thing is that I am not much closer to that utopian mindset/concept because even though they/you may be a friend on some network, I still do not experience them, see them, have coffee with you or have you around!
This has been a bit of a frustration in recent years, as I am sure it is with anyone as you/we age! So many friends from high school, college, military days, teachers known, students taught, consulting associates and clients, etc…. Man so many quality people I miss seeing routinely.
Without rambling any more just now, but no promise that I will not do some more later, I am just saying here that in this present world, I strive to and want to re-connect, rebuild, develop and/or stay in touch with friends, like you, past relationships in life. If you do also, let me hear from you and lets do…
On another level, this whole thing again got me thinking of how Heaven will be, and I am sure I have no clue – it will undoubtedly be much more than any of us can fathom. Regardless, two thoughts: 1) that you and all those treasured friends and relations will have found the path, discovered Him and actually BE THERE, and 2) that in some mystical spiritual way, we will have some form of capability of merging with, connecting with, being with, communicating with ALL at once. The quantity, volume and numbers challenge of too many FRIENDS to keep up with, will not even exist, we will just all be together….again, I do not know how, but I am sure I do not know how HE does any/all that HE does. And that makes sense, since HE is HE and I am just one of us; how could I possibly understand all that is.
Just one more thing, if you have not already stopped reading. This all reminds me of maybe my first favorite Christian song, Thank You by Ray Boltz ( it is on my MP3 that I listen to as I ride my bike out on the roads). It was a song before I became new. Any way it is a great song, and all about the people we have touched in our lives, on many levels. Go take a listen, I know I am right now, so must go!
Well okay, I will stop. Have a great day, a blessed one, one where you had something good happen and you helped someone get something; and lets stay in touch my friend.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Servant Leadership - lets see, that is: helping, giving, teaching, caring for, supporting, growing, guiding, serving the needs of, ...?
Next book is in editor's hands! Meeting w/ some good friends & associates today in KC. Smiles!..& remember how blessed you/we really are.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Who u r speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you r saying, by RalphWaldoEmerson. Connects w/ another favorite-YOU CANNOT NOT LEAD BY EXAMPLE!
Leaders create culture, not the other way around. Leaderless cultures however can not create leaders. When leaders change, so does culture.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sharing blog: Uncaring Employees caused by Un-knowing Managers-
It is so good the Peace He brings us during tough, challenging times. Faith & Hope to you. Happy HE IS RISEN week!!!!
Open minded thinker to do some telephone work. Few hours/week, cheap hourly, but good commissions!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

manufacturing jobs - seek individuals w/ background in Mfg HR support, labor relations, perf mgmt. In Middletown, OH and West Monroe, LA.

Monday, April 11, 2011

To God, my wife (YOU & maybe your world at some point?)

On recent trip to visit kids, now grown and living south of here, I heard an old favorite country song. It is about feelings/emotions, which I am always good for...! (click link and once begins, minimize and read on here…good tune regardless)

Anyway it had me hooked thinking on life, my wife, for sure my God, my kids, family, etc.

On the surface it may be/seem like a past, sad even, memory song; but for me it is a happy NOW & FUTURE song. A bit mushy maybe, but I have been compelled to write about this for a few weeks now.
Maybe there is something here you will resemble and connect with as well.

The song? In case you did not open the link but are still reading is: LOOKING FOR LOVE IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES. A great tune; here are the lyrics. My thoughts added are in (parenthesis)! Some lines mean little, but others, oh yeah…

I spent a lifetime lookin for you (my GOD, found HIM when I was 45!)
Single bars and good time lovers were never true
Playin a fool's game hopin to win
And tellin those sweet lies and losin again (More than once, yep)

I was lookin for love in all the wrong places (until I bottomed out, & there HE was; thanks Ronnie for leading me there)
Lookin for love in too many faces
Searchin her eyes, lookin for traces of what I'm dreamin of (Sydney was that one, that dream)

Hopin to find a friend and a lover (both are so critical; found both of in HIM and my wife Sydney)
I will bless the day I discover another heart
Lookin for love

I was alone then, no love in sight (for sure, unlove-able it seemed, worthless, and then…)
I did everything I could to get me through the night (then The WORD was there for comfort, peace and solace. Still my human side struggled until she showed up)
Don't know where it started or where it might end ( I do now)
I would turn to a stranger just like a friend

I was lookin for love in all the wrong places ( I did not know it but I was for sure)
Lookin for love in too many faces
Searchin her eyes, lookin for traces of what I'm dreamin of
Hopin to find a friend and a lover
I will bless the day I discover another heart
Lookin :for love (finally the Lord a decade ago in pastor/friend’s home office / Sydney: April 6th)

You came knockin at my hearts door (HE did just that, guessing HE had been knocking all along; I was the one knocking Sydneys door down)
You're everything I've been lookin for (THANK YOU God, and thank you Sydney)

No more lookin for love in all the wrong places (absolutely NO MORE)
Lookin for love in too many faces
Searchin your eyes, lookin for traces of what I am dreamin of

Now that I found a friend and a lover (my God)
I will bless the day I discover you, oh you (my wife)

Lookin for love
In all the wrong the places
Lookin for love in too many faces
Searchin your eyes, lookin for traces of what I'm dreamin of
Now that I found a friend and a lover
I will bless the day I discover you, oh you
Lookin for love

In all the wrong places
In too many faces...

(I think besides the human love aspect that so connects here for my wife and I; I believe the BIGGER message here is hope that you will or have already found in HIM …to be that face for YOU)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

As good as it gets right now, so enjoy it

Doing some thinking on planning, learning, visioning, trust, taking, risk, predestination, etc. Do you realize that right now, in the present, in this very moment, it is as good as it gets?

It does not get any better than that/this! It might later, but for right now, no, this is what it is.

We all struggle with this at least now & then, but LIVING in the present is critical. To do this likely requires that we accept and trust that HE created it, this moment.

Along with all the human factors you did to impact this moment right now, well IT IS JUST AS IT WAS PLANNED. SMILE, enjoy, do not fret; go improve something, relax, relate, learn, and well grasp the moment you are in!

Whether you believe in God or not, this is all still true, right? Whether you created it, or HE did (which HE did :), enjoy your moments, your life, right now, today, ...and those around us.

Gods best to you, now and in your future moments!

Just thinking and sharing. Have a great Saturday morning and weekend my friend, DOUG...

*There is some leadership learning there as well. Leaders need to teach, preach and walk this thinking huh?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Need leadership, team, staff dev? Do it now on the golf course!
Current UPS commercial: employee does not care about flat rate savings to the co. until manager is watching. Leaders create loyalty(or not)!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Royals Wed 1pm. May have an extra ticket if interested in joining me, let me know quick!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Gods best to you this week; hope we act & react in Godly ways; & are led to someone to bless or help. 1Corinthians1:18 had me thinking today
In my work I find myself debating w/ mgrs on taking time to CARE FOR, EVALUATE, DEVELOP RELATIONS w/their people-as if it is not their JOB!?!
Royals win w/homer in 13th inning-Could this be the year winning begins? GO ROYALS! May get out to Wed afternoon game this week. Wanna go?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Our KC Royals, first WIN of the year...GO ROYALS in 2011! Walk off homer in bottom of ninth. Hardly gets any better than that :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 FYI-if u have this as your email w/ me, I have had 2 delete so not soliticing you with school. Send me diff address if u wish?

Monday, March 28, 2011

PEACE, KEEP THE FAITH, ...remember those?

PEACE, KEEP THE FAITH, remember those?

Whenever these days I hear those words/phrases, I immediately think back to my high school annual where some friends wrote these as they were signing annuals. I really do not know if I used those words back then, as many did back then; but do know they finally work for me NOW!

I feel sure that most who said those words meant good things by them, no doubt. All I know is that muttering these words now, PEACE or KEEP THE FAITH brings me immediately now to God first of all!...(then I think of the annual, those friends, etc)
As it should be, huh, Him first.

I/we should go to God first in all we do; despite the human side of me, I try to do so. Whether it be finances, health, losses, pains, or troubles/sufferings of any kind, if we would GO TO HIM FIRST….we have really at that point done all we can do huh? We have our best HOPE in the right place, for me anyway.

After we do so, then we can go to relying on ourselves and our human hopes, which we all will.

It struck me this morning how I can begin this day in the right way, with Him, studying His Word; speaking, relating, asking and thanking Him…

Subsequently this could end up, really it could, as the very worst day of my life, or yours and very likely will be for someone’s. That is not bleak thinking, or being pessimistic. It is just the reality of life and not sure, but guess it is also His Will, in some way, no matter what.

Now for sure, it might end up becoming the very best day of mine or your life (I am pulling for this one personally, for you, me or someone. It will be for someone right?)

No matter what happens, it may make no sense on our human level, but that is why He is God and we do not understand always. Because He is God!
I could go on and on and on here when I get to really thinking of this crazy world, hurting people, blessings, goods and bads and why?!?!

However first and foremost please Lord help me remember to go to you first with those wonderings. He needs to remain first. He needs to be our best relationship, our best friend, the one we love most…and He needs to be the one we go to first with any and all that stuff that may go wrong today.

Let me not also forget that we should go to Him first as well with the good stuff, to THANK Him ( I guess that tithing thing goes here also huh? Yes the answer is yes here.)

Blessings, PEACE & KEEP THE FAITH my friend,


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Seek facilitators/trainers. Need soon or 3-6 months from now. If interested in Leadership Development, send a note
Who: Call Center Managers & Executives! What: 12th Annual KC Call Center EXPO May 5, 2011 Where: Ritz Charles Conf Ctr, OP, KS ...Space is limited - register today by visiting

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fixing things, or just continuing to blame?

From an interview in McKinsey Quarterly / Mar 2011: (Flying people, not planes): The CEO of Bombardier on building a world-class culture.

Paraphrasing a few lines from interview:

(..Everyone in management recognized we had a problem but insisted it was not in their department… At the management level, there were cultural problems too.. ...the culture was about avoiding putting facts on the table. We would go to a leadership forum and spend three days telling each other why we were good. And if a person brought up a problem, someone else would say, -Yes, but you did not really understand the issue properly; we’re actually really good. It was a culture of not facing up to issues, of blaming another department….)

>>>WOW, this is so right and so real. I rarely go into an organization to help with their leadership/people-system, that I do not initially have to help them break through this dynamic first!

The trust needed among senior levels of management is frequently just not there, making this a hurdle to initially overcome. When the leadership gets it, understands this and really begins focusing on themselves, amazing improvement can then happen. If not, the effort, resources expended were a waste of time, no ROI!

The question for you the manager, the CEO, the HR Champion, etc is: Are you ready to really make a positive difference in your organization; or will we just keep telling ourselves everything is fine? When all else fails, try addressing leadership!

Strongly recommend the McKinsey Quarterly for leadership learning, ROI, and tons of just good management stuff. Some of these ROI aspects were used to reinforce points in my upcoming book, The Conference for Leaders.

God's very best this day my friend,
Beautiful cool sunshine today, He blessed us ride, meetings n KC & teach Mgmt class Baker to Argossy employees tonite at casino!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kindle-reader? Excited to now have my 1st leadership book: TEACHING FISHIN (Growing People) avail on KINDLE! 2d and 3d one avail soon!

Workplace DisTRUST, thinking & maybe some sarcasm

I hear TRUST discussed by leaders frequently; there are deeper and more subtle aspects to trust many just do not get. We all agree that trust is important, and although most do not intentionally lead others astray, your/their leadership may be creating a culture of DIS-TRUST.

Just sharing a few ways managers FAIL TO TELL THE TRUTH!

 Workload & Scheduling: Words spoken: We won’t be working Saturday, (or we will not be working late tonight). A common ploy of leaders to keep people motivated until later in the day/week when we drop the surprise bomb on them and work after all. Now that was just a lie now, was it not? Teachers do this a lot also, in their leadership roles.

 Quality FIRST (or) Just say something when you see a problem: This is a BIGGEE, happens a lot in workplaces. We preach quality; print it on mission statements; put slogans about it on walls, etc. Then we fail to walk the talk: We tell people to be quiet, not to worry about it and/or tell them to just ship it! ...after they identify a problem, mistake, flaw, etc. Now again, that’s just lying to them. And here is another twist: When we get bad news or criticism we do not like to hear, we blow them away. Maybe you are shooting the messenger, and killing future suggestions. This is a great way to keep people from bothering you; to prevent information from getting to you!?! Oh well, you could always put up a Distrust Box, uh I mean Suggestion Box!

 TEAMWORK – (Teams Solve Problems, Not Individuals)… and then managers time after time, make decisions, tell them what to do, and provide THE solution for them to execute. We preach it and then do not practice it; never consulted with them, asked their opinions or attempted to gain consensus/or the best solution. We subconsciously think that 2 heads are better than 1, but then just end up using the thinking of one head - yours, the manager! Oh well, who has better thoughts than you anyway?

 We want Risk-Takers! Time after time we abuse, ridicule, or in other ways, put down people for taking risks. Risk is okay as long as it does not fail or cause us any problems, right?!? If he/she had just gotten it right, it would have been a good risk. Wonder what they will do next time; yeah I really wonder!

 Promotions, Raises, Transfers… How many times do you think that someone in your organization has considered himself / herself to be the right person for the job; only to watch it go to someone else? When we do not have a system for evaluating performance, people will consider your system unfair… because it is! You will have a tough time proving them wrong! You can always just tell people not to talk about salary, pay, promotions, etc…because of privacy rationale, you know. You and I know it is just because we are not doing it right or fair huh? Oh well, they will never catch on?!?

 Let me check on it, and I will get back to you. ...Take a moment and consider how many times you have heard this said to people and subsequently no response? How many times have you taken that monkey on YOUR back and failed to return with an answer? Now I am not suggesting that you intentionally lied, but to him/her it was just that, you lied to them. Now if you had built a strong relationship up front with that person/all your team, they would not suspect this, but you did not do that either huh?

...Managers put themselves into this predicament; Leaders understand the dynamic. They not only build relations but also think ahead; they give them the right to pester until you get back to them. Thus keeping the monkey on their back huh?

Many many more examples are out there, but likely you just remembered something/someone you need to go get back to, huh?

Have a great day, and although you would never make any of these mistakes, others might. You might want to get this into their hands; maybe even your boss! Yikes….

BOOKER, ...what?...I am just saying...!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

job openings info

a few positions open now for Certified Medical Assistants in some of my Olathe and Lawrence clinics so thought I'd let you know. I have both FT and PRN (as needed with no guaranteed schedule or hours, benefits, etc.) in both locations. They do have to be a Certified Medical Assistant. If interested the person should go to

or contact me for a specific person to contact! BOOKER

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

APPs development?

If you know anyone with knowledge of APPS (iphones, etc) development and creating, I would like to speak to him/her?

Monday, March 14, 2011

RESENDING...trying to remember something?

Heard something like this somewhere recently: Struggling to remember something?... Here's a tip and a thought: just open up the bible. The mind will flood w/ to-dos, etc! Someone deviously trying to keep us away from reading the bible and HIM?

Remember me, BOOKER

Org structure a Communications issue?..just call it Matrix!

Is dysfunction in your org structure causing communication challenges?

One manager was sharing: Organizational structure seems to me to be one of the most significant issues impacting organizational communications.

She paused for a moment: What I came across a while back was that frequently we change the org chart to meet the demands of personalities and people problems; instead of organizing to accomplish the mission.

Mission first, then organize people to support the mission! For most that is about making the product, providing your service, etc. When we move people & their functions around, for relationship issues, personality and conflicts, the result is we are creating functional conflicts. We are also confusing communication channels, pathways and the information flow.

Indeed our people system should be designed to support the business vs re-designing the operation to support the people issues! Many companies have been changed so much to meet the personality quirks… that the lines of communication, information flow, etc don’t make sense anymore. We have dotted line relationships, people reporting to multiple bosses (which one of those dotted-lines is responsible for the leadership stuff?)

Systems and processes have become very confused. People get frustrated because nobody understands it… because it, the structure does not make sense.

The management world a while back was sold on a way of dealing with all this dysfunction. Someone began selling management on a marketing spin, labeled Matrix Organizational Structure. They tossed away the old organizational structure with some platitudes, made-up logics and reasoning to sell this matrix thing. They sold this idea as one that made sense as long as it had a name. Just throw out the dysfunctional org chart and call it Matrix.

What is so funny to me having watched the movie Matrix years ago; it didn’t make sense, it was crazy! They labeled this new structural idea correctly, because it also is nuts and makes no sense!

Before anyone gets upset because you loved the movie; that’s fine, but not the point here. Regardless it was still about some complicated, dynamic and confusing stuff!

***actually an excerpt/paraphrased part of a dialogue from my upcoming book...

Food for thought, BOOKER

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Great HR article for searching/struggling with jobs, Readers Digest, 2011(only part of it here, 4-5 pages of good stuff) :

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do not Worry, it is learning along your Journey

(Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear… Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?... O ye of little faith?... Your Heavenly Father knows what you need. Seek first His kingdom & righteousness and all these things will be given to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow) , MATTHEW 6:25-34

NOT WORRYING is a tough concept for all of us, no matter who you are! In these challenging times with so much hopelessness, bad economy, people/friends losing jobs, organization struggling, oil spilling, disasters here and there, people being laid off – who or what is next? Will it be you, a loved one or some of those you lead? It’s everywhere, and we’re not supposed to worry?!?

Indeed, this is one of the tougher biblical principles we are supposed to follow… all about faith I reckon, huh?

So many things, such as this concept of not worrying leads me back to one of my favorite scriptures which I locked into upon becoming NEW, into His Kingdom about a decade ago:

From James 1: 2 thru 13: (Consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance…. ...If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault… ...Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him…”.

All this just says to me to appreciate the journey of life, and to realize there are lessons happening even in these tough, worrying times. Are you in a good time or a tough time?...remember it is part of His plan and your journey!

BOOKER, enjoy that sunshine out there today :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Blessings & smiles this day friend. Saw amazing GOD movie-a person desperate & a Believer trying 2 help, titled The Sunset Limited, get it!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Job: I know of medical office, Olathe, Ks, looking 4 part-timer 4 receptionist role. U must LIKE people, mature, servant /customer focused

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Know of local medical office needing professional who loves people/customer service for 15 hrs/week? Olathe, KS area
Local university needing math teacher -need a current Primary– 12th certification in one of Elem Ed., Sec Ed, Admin, SPED & emphasis in math or science.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Great 8 Ldrshp Principles - a conference/business near u soon!
Clock Repair-person? Near Lexington, MO? Parents looking for someone to work on grandfather clock!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Seek former student/client, indiv to work with in many ways; no need to be local. If you know me, my thinking...,holler! Gods best, BOOKER

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It is a good day: the weather is warm; trip to visit son & daughter/families; & the Cats beat the Jayhawks! Yes, Life is good - GOD is good.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Returning home

I just returned from some traveling and as I was on my last leg of a long drive, I began to think how good it was going to feel to be home.

You know that warm & fuzzy feeling we get after we have been away. That peaceful, comfortable, cannot wait to be back; ready to de-stress and plop down in that comfy favorite chair or couch. You get it right?

In those miles on the road, I had been praying for a lot of struggling in people’s lives around, and thinking also how blessed I am. It stuck me at that moment how that feeling of getting home resembles the feeling we get when we have God in our lives. Resembles, but really does not even come close!

It is amazing to think, but until I asked Him in my life about a decade ago, I never knew that warm & fuzzy, peaceful and loving feeling full time. It IS what happens when we ask Jesus in our lives. I know I thought I had that loving feeling, that I had it good, but nothing compares to where it is now. He sure gives me that feeling and knowledge of knowing He is always there. It is an instant thing, whenever I just think of Him or say His name.

Even when we have our downs, struggles and life problems, He is still there, providing that comfy warm & fuzzy chair and home-y feeling; like our Mommy or Daddy holding us. As the ultimate Father it is that same thing!

Just sharing that analogy with you, and with these warm temps, I hope you find peace and warmth this day in many ways. Now that I think of it, these warm temps after all the freezing weather is kind of like that feeling we get when He is with us…..never mind, you get it right?

A side note: I am doing something that I have never done – reading the bible thru from page one this year; a friend put the thought in my mind. It is just like 5 pages a day is all it takes! I am just on day three, but committed to doing it. Want to join me?!!

Thanks for listening to my wanderings and thoughts. Take care my friend,

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Looking for someone whose passion, profession, experience is in conference &/or event planning. Would like to connect & explore with...?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Know a manager needing LEADERSHIP? (& book status)

My upcoming book on leadership in our society is due out end of Feb 2011. Maybe YOU might be interested (or someone you know) - please FORWARD if so.

Debra Hayes, CCP / Les Hyde / Terrell L. McTyre

SYNOPSIS: A story of learning by a Senior Manager and boss, both attending a Leadership Conference.

A wealth of leadership challenges and answers are brought to light. Real life personal struggles and their impacts on management are realized. The result is clarity and growth regarding productive leadership and relationships in the workplace.

Not just a warm and fuzzy look at managing but a strategic understanding of the individual and organizational payoff. payoff. Return on investment (ROI) is uncovered and laid out each step of the way.

Are you coming to the conference? It begins a few pages in, but you will want to see what happens prior to arrival! Although optional, do not skip the speech (and surprise) that evening at the conference!.....

Management's Training & Development Dilemma:

(Q):What if I train my people and they leave?

(A): What if I don't train my people and they stay?

Have an awesome day,


Monday, January 31, 2011

Birthday, Relations, Thanx

Well I am proof if you ask for things, you will receive. I told everyone not to forget my birthday and they did not! Thanx so much for the notes one and all...and it is not hardly mid morning yet. What a great day! And to top it off, the biggest snow storm of the year hitting at the same time. I am soooooo blessed.

I will never be 55 again, having been born in 1955, that was kind of a cool year. So many good things - my wife's illness went away, yea... my parents moved back to Lexington... everyone around me is pretty healthy to include me, not hardly an ache in my body as we speak... second book published, did I mention my third one is due out this month?... new friends and relationships discovered and grown... My faith and relationship with HIM has grown... I have work, although not enough if you or your organization need some leadership development help (see how I worked that in there?)..

Roof over the head, food on the table... on and on and on it goes, I am one lucky guy.

Thank you Lord for all, and for this first 55! Hope everyone has a great day, you have plenty of smiles, a relationship is improved in your life, and well that God blesses your world in some amazing way.

My only real wish is that HE will find ways for me to help many people in some way this coming year!


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hope all have a great Sunday!
* First off, how about making it a good Friday for someone else? Just a
thought :-)

* Secondly, enjoy the bright sunshine if you are in the local area, where
it is to be 50 degrees and sunny today! Be Thankful for that and the rest of
your life - be determined to be thankful. Look around, there is much to be
thankful about, right?

* Thirdly - As I complete my upcoming book, I am attempting a marketing
idea: If you have a connection or way of getting me onto the bookshelf of
any bookstore, I will give you a finders fee and a percentage of each book
sold. This is really just a way of networking with YOU!

And lastly but for sure not the least important. Do not let Tuesday get here
and tell me you forgot my birthday. You now know and pleasssssse no big
gifts! I would like a thought and a smile before you click DELETE

"People don't care how much you know

until they first know how much you care."

Doug Booker


Join me on TWITTER

Join me on LINKED IN

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....blogging now at

GOD thinking

Exploring formal learning about GOD? I am looking for ideas regardinging doing a study of God, ministry, etc. Seeking ideas, guidance, suggestions...???

I am unsure if it is my goal, or if I am called to go the whole way (whatever that means); but am interested in LEARNING and GROWING. Currently attending an awesome Assembly of God church - denomination aspect is not all that important to me. I am looking for cheap, credit or not, not paper intense, LEARNING, etc..

I have worked with Leadership & People Development for 20 years now. I love it and consider it a ministry of sorts, but now wanting to push the faith part! I teach learning and growing and want to do so myself.

ISA 58:10... In reading this morning, I interpreted it as about focusing on, helping and serving others. So much where I want to be somehow. In extending our souls for others, we (our heart) gains so much in so many ways. ...a mighty prayer of mine is that the book I am completing this coming month will help in doing this!

Have a super duper day my friend, DOUG

Friday, January 28, 2011


First off, how about making it a good Friday for someone else? Just a thought

Secondly, enjoy the bright sunshine if you are in the local area, where it is to be 50 degrees and sunny today! Be Thankful, be determined to be thankful. Look around, there is much to be thankful about, right?

Thirdly - As I complete my upcoming book, I am attempting a marketing idea: If you have a connection or way of getting me onto the bookshelf of any bookstore, I will give you a finders fee and a percentage of each book sold. This is really just a way of networking with YOU!

And lastly but for sure not the least important. Do not let Tuesday get here and tell me you forgot my birthday. You now know and pleasssssse no big gifts! I would just like a thought and a smile before you click DELETE meeeeeeeeeee....

HAPPY FRIDAY, some odds n ends

AND how about making it a good Friday for someone else? Just a thought

Enjoy the bright sunshine if you are in the local area, where it is to be 50 degrees and sunny today!

Be Thankful, be determined to be thankful. Look around, there is much to be thankful about, right?

As I complete my upcoming book, I am attempting a marketing idea: If you have a connection or way of getting me onto the bookshelf of any bookstore, I will give you a finders fee and a percentage of each book sold. This is really just a way of networking with YOU!

And lastly but for sure not the least important. Do not let Tuesday get here and tell me you forgot my birthday. You now know and pleasssssse no big gifts! I would just like a thought and a smile before you click DELETE nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Leadership and Return on Investment, some thoughts

[My upcoming book deals with managers at a leadership conference. In self-reflecting about ROI after a breakout session, a leader captures these thoughts]:

About being a boss and buddy: my group doesn't share too much of their lives with me and I'm not sure they would? I always thought of it as unprofessional. I realized I do have that kind of a close relationship with my own boss. And without that trusted relationship and mentor-ship I would not have survived in the company, and through my divorce.

Networking, Socializing and Trust - While I have some professional relationships, I also know that I could improve those relationships with peers and other employees in the company. There are numerous instances where my lack of relationship with a co-worker caused problems and possibly a lack of support.

Other people in the company seem to have an easier time getting things done; maybe that is why...

Wondering if I invested in meaningful relationships and developing rapport and trust with people, would I be a more effective leader? How would this behavior modification produce tangible results? Need to crunch some numbers to prove to myself.

The amount of time I spend having to inspect every result(s) throughout the day and having to go make corrections during the day. I am always on my team to produce the right results and felt I couldn't trust them without watching them throughout the day. I easily spend 25% of my day doing this kind of inspection. What would I do with 25% percent of my workday freed up?

If I develop professional relationships on the basis of trust, connection and genuine respect for people I could easily free up 80% of my inspecting time to work on relationships, employee engagement in problem solving and process improvements to have the people doing the work accountable for their performance with scorecards that reflect their performance. With an established relationship(s) I would be able to effectively coach and develop my team to focus on the department productivity.

Other beneficial examples come quickly to mind as I think of how interdepartmental improvements could be made with positive financial results.

The Great Eight Leadership Conference: COMMUNICATE, RELATE, EVALUATE,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I have in contact with some professionals who are offering their skills and abilities in 'whatever an executive assistant' maybe ought to be able to do. Their services primarily are online and virtual!

I currently use them for a few hours per week - do you have need for some help a few hours/week? Some of the areas of work they offer:

At this point I am interested in helping them - I am also considering this as a service that Booker Training Associates might offer?

Please let me know if you have any interest for any reason!

Maybe you would like to offer YOUR time/services?
(or) maybe you have a need for such services for a few hours per week?

Feel free to contact me at your convenience and I will help you explore and connect with them. Thanks,


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Performance Evaluation, doing it RIGHT this year?

The dreaded annual performance assessment drill; many have just dealt with it.

Whether you are reading this as a boss or as the employee, how about doing it right in 2011? So this time next year that process can be fair, agreeable, easy, comfortable and predictable result?

This is a huge morale issue for many companies - impacting productivity, culture, turnover, job satisfaction, etc.

Sharing here a process I have developed with leaders over the years:

THE BEGINNING: Leader/follower spend time in January (assuming a calendar year situation), clarifying, discussing, and negotiating expectations. What we want to happen this year regarding his/her performance is the goal. This agreement may go back and forth a few times, but get it done by end of January. We use the companys performance appraisal form or one that you create. You might want to consider factors the company does not use, such as relations with others, teamwork, communicating, respect, attitude, etc. These are all areas we judge people on, so why not make it part of the actual process?

THE NEXT STEP: In February, the manager provides the employee a copy of the form filled out in January. Ask him/her to fill it out according to how he/she sees themselves performing. After receiving their input, you the manager now schedule the meeting. Do not cancel it, it is important. Both address everything specifically, especially the disconnects between what they see and what you see.

KEY TECHNIQUE: We talk to the expectations as if right now was annual performance assessment time. Wording such as - if it was next December, here is how I would rate you - however it is not, so this just means we need to be working to improve in these areas. Addressing it as if it was the final annual result takes the pressure off of both parties here. The good news? There are ten more months to correct or improve the issue! You are after changing peoples thinking - that feedback is a bad thing!

THE ROUTINE PROCESS: We do this in the same way each month. The first couple of months will likely be a bit lengthy and uncomfortable. This will change and become a good thing! The manager still needs to be doing informal, on the spot, daily, routine coaching as necessary. Some managers do this fairly well, but that does not replace the formal monthly face to face discussions.

END OF THE YEAR, THE ANNUAL EVALUATION: By the end of the year, guess what? The manager can provide a fair, accountable, accurate and caring evaluation of the employee (and every employee on the team). It will be easy because it is much the same as the one done in November, right? Because you cared, you spent the time
to do this the right way. Besides that, it’s your job! Now surely you are not going to tell me you do not have TIME for your people, are you?

I mentioned up front that this message is for the boss AND the employee. Obviously this is all what a leader SHOULD do. However if your boss does not do this, YOU make it happen, tactfully! If you do not, sure you can blame and be mad at the boss next December, but you still lose. What if you could avoid being a victim of flawed leadership, like you were about a month ago!?!

Hope that helps your 2011!

Gods best my friend, (taken from my upcoming book, The Conference for Leaders)